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eu ainda ñ sei se vai ser normal ou cesaria,mas me fala qual foi o ultimo dia da sua menstruação? e pq o seu vai ser cesaria?

Respaldos: (3)

  • digital disse:

    o ultimo dia da minha mestruação foi dia 20 di abril e vai ser cesaria por eu nao tenho passagem pra ser normal beijos me ad no msn

  • Caroline disse:

    minha ultima menstruação foi dia 18/08 e eu desejo muito que seja normal, porém ainda precisa esperar mais tempo para ter certeza de tudo! Bjs

  • Kayne disse:

    that “it’s actually a shame for us -foreign lnrseiets- that she (Mayra) didn’t opt for Portuguese:” (referring to her lyrics). I must say that being of Cape Verdean descent, I would like to explain the significance of Creole. Cape Verdeans are a very diverse group of people, and “nos terra” (our country)is a paradise. Because of natural circumstances however, many of us have needed to leave the islands to provide a better future for ourselves and/or our families. We are a people with a longing to someday return home, and who have migrated to all corners of the world and who can easily assimilate. Sometimes our music and we as a people are mistaken as Brazilian, Portuguese, Cuban or African etc. All are wonderful, but we are in our own category.Creole to us, is not only a language, but it is a cultural identity, a race. It is something that we own, and that helps us define ourselves from the rest of the world. Creole is a way to link all Cape Verdeans who are oceans apart. It’s our national pride, it’s political, it’s a language, and it’s our identity. It’s what allows us to show the world who we are, and helps us to keep Cape Verde and our culture alive. It’s what links us together as a people although many of us are thousands of miles away from our country, families and friends. Because many of us may never have a chance to re-unite with all previously stated, Creole is what keeps us connected and gives us hope that our culture will not die.There are more Cape Verdeans living outside of the islands than there are in the archipeology.The beauty of Creole, is that it is mostly a mixture of Portuguese and African phrases with a bit of French, Dutch and Spanish words. This complex mixture tells a story of our past, and so it shows the world our exoticness and diversity.Thank-you to all foreigners who embrace our music, and who may only be able to pick up a few words but keep on listening. To you people, I Creole is a feeling and the enchanting melodies, a universal language that all can understand. If you sit and listen with your heart, the raw emotion of the music will reach, and has reached those who do not speak Creole. If Mayra Andrade, Cesaria Evora, Tito Paris and Lura had written there albums in Portuguese, that feeling and connectedness would be gone.The internaltional success of these artists has shown that all you need when listening to Cape Verdean music, is the ability to feel, whether through the Creole language, the melodies, or both. Open your heart and let yourself get taken away. Viva Cabo Verde and all who keep us alive by supporting our music. We are ALL connected! One Love!

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